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User Login
User Name:
Privacy Policy and e-Result Consent
I have read the Standard/Enhanced Check Privacy Policy for applicants
and I understand how DBS will process my personal data and the options available to me for submiting an application.
I consent to the DBS providing an electronic result directly to the registered body that has submitted my application. I understand that an electronic result contains a message that indicates either the certificate is blank or to await certificate which will indicate that my certificate contains information. In some cases the registered body may provide this information directly to my employer prior to me receiving my certificate. I understand if I do not consent to an electronic result being issued to the registered body submitting my application that I must not proceed with this application and I should submit a paper application form. I understand that to withdraw my consent whilst my application is in progress I must contact the DBS helpline 03000 200 190. My application will then be withdrawn.
Statement of Fair Processing
The Disclosure and Barring Service will refer the details provided on this application form to government and law enforcement bodies in accordance with any relevant legislation. The details provided to these bodies will be used for identifying possible matches to records held by them. Where such a match is established, data may be released to the DBS for inclusion on any certificate issued. The details provided on this form may be used to update the records held by the bodies specified above. The details provided on the application form may be used to verify your identity for authentication purposes. The DBS may use any information provided by the DBS on a certificate or otherwise held by the DBS to inform any of its barring decisions made under its powers within the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
If you are experiencing difficulty with this application, please contact the person who provided you with your login details.
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